Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ripped jeans

Hace mucho que tenía ganas de comprarme un vaquero roto, roto por muchos sitios que casi hubiera mas huecos que pantalón! jajaja Y al final conseguí este! Me encanta el color (en general me encantan los vaqueros porque hay infinidad de modalidades) y al combinarlo con las botas de cordones da un aspecto muy grunge. Me hubiera gustado combinarlo con una camiseta algo más rockera pero eso me lo reservo para otro outfit ;) Un besito!
I was looking forward to buy some ripped jeans, ripped in many places almost had more holes than jeans. In the end Igot this! I love the color (in general I love the jeans because there are lots of ways) and when combined with the boots gives a very grunge look. I would like to combine it with a more rock shirts but I keep this idea for another outfit ;) XOXO


  1. guapa!!estas genial con esos jeans!!te sigo yo tambien!un besazo!

  2. me gustan mucho las botas!
    besitos desde:

  3. wow love your jeans!! now following :)


  4. such great style xx

  5. Great pictures! Very cute!!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  6. pero que guapa! me gustan tus botas ^^
    te sigo!

  7. i love your blog. nice outfit. wanna follow each other?

    follow me if you love and i'll follow back

  8. Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your shorts, what great details and that blouse is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are very beautiful and your boots rock! You have an awesome blog by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic


Estás ayudando a hacer un sueño realidad :)